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A poem written as an inspiration from the songs ‘Fake Love’ and ‘Outro: Tear’ from the band BTS that is all about loving yourself before loving someone else otherwise it will all end in disaster.


The title explains it all. The poem's words are complicated and too ambiguous, which makes it hard to understand it without the context. The confusion and ambiguity placed are deliberate to depict what a person who has severe anxiety goes through. Written from a personal place, this one tackles the intensity of being socially anxious.

Research Paper: The Sanctuary Movement

The research paper is evaluating media coverage done pre-elections and afterward on the topic of sanctuary cities. Media coverage has an important influence in informing us of issues and shaping our opinions on such topics. I discussed the history of this movement and evaluated the problems found in the press coverage during Trump's campaign, after the elections, and after Trump passed his executive order.


It was initially written in the format of an open letter to my 'Mind.' Using the same words, I structured it into the form of a poem for my creative writing assignment. The poem is about suffering through severe depression and having suicidal thoughts and written from personal experience.


A poem written on selective mutism. 'Selective mutism' is a condition where one is incapable of speech in specific situations or of speaking to specific people due to high anxiety levels.

Appropriation Project – “Norms”

This is a short video I created on the concept of appropriation for my Visual Arts class. We were given the task of creating a video comprised entirely of content that was not our own - that we took from other videos and other sources. The project was done with the idea of critiquing on the unrealistic beauty standards that are set by society. I used Adobe Premiere to create it and used clips from different beauty ads, along with a slam poetry audio to accompany it.