Sometimes it shocks me to my core how much hatred one can have towards oneself, and many times it is hard to put into words exactly how much. So here is me trying to do so.

My spiral of self-hate is weighing me down.
Spiralling down in all this bullshit that I make myself go through.
I soak myself into this unholy water –

full of regrets, guilt and shame.

I submerge myself until all I feel is this immense loathing for
myself flowing through my veins.
I carry the act out again and again.

Every day. Every hour. Every minute.

I condemn myself through whispers of acrid comments in my own ears.
Fill my mind to the brim with them.
Until all I am left again is the taste of this bitter feeling,
at the back of my throat.

And all this self-hatred is weighing
me down,
pulling me back from breathing properly.

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